2017: volunteering to provide sound

2024 — We’re Back!! Forums 2019 Volunteering 2017: volunteering to provide sound

  • Creator
  • #2598

    Hey just wanted to touch base and say Monolith Audio is happy to contribute sound this year and excited to be involved and help out!

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  • Author
  • #2602

    Hey, I thought someone had been in touch with you. Well someone will be soon if not. 😉

    Jeremiah Barkman

    Hey Jack,

    Great to see you are still happy to help out with sound this year. We are looking forward to InDidjInUs already. It’s going to be a great year. Oh BTW I saw in some of the pics of your set up that you also have lights. Would you be willing to bring some simple lights? Nothing too complex. Just a bit of color.



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