Festival Vending

InDidjInUs Festival Vending Guidelines:

We welcome vending at the InDidjInUs Festival, and have established a juried
process for those wanting a booth at Prindel Creek Farm. If you are interested in
vending at the Festival, go to: https://indidjin.us/vending-contact/ and choose the “Festival Vending” option in the drop down menu.

There, you can leave a message with a description of your wares, and upload up to 4
pictures. The vending coordinator will contact you within 2 business days to
confirm we have everything we need.


On the website, you should include the following:

  • Your contact information
  • A detailed description of what you are vending, and which category your products fall under (see categories below)
  • 4 good quality photos showing details of your wares


Categories for vending:
1. Didge-related products that musicians would be interested in
2. Musical instruments
3. Handmade items
4. Art


Vending at the InDidjInUs Festival is now a juried process, meaning items will be
judged for their characteristics and quality. We want to ensure we provide vending
opportunities for those folks who come to InDidjInUs with items we know the
community is interested in. We will consider unique items that do not fall into the
categories listed above, but you must submit a detailed request with your
application. Please note that vending any type of paraphernalia is not allowed.

Please be aware that vendor set-up will begin Thursday afternoon
around 3 PM

Thanks in advance for your understanding!