2016: Two Gatherings

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  • #1616

    Hello beautiful people of the InDidjInUs Community:

    WE are pleased to announce that WE can have our cake and eat it too.

    In addition to the previously announced InDidjInUs Didgeridoo Conference, which will be on the second weekend of August, we will be having an additional event at Prindel Creek Farm!  

    We’re calling it the InDidjInUs Didgeridoo Festival, and it will be held on the third weekend in August at Prindel Creek Farm. This is the weekend after the Conference.

    We all love Prindel Creek Farm (PCF), and after a LOT of discussion, we are making plans for this additional event. The Festival will embody much of what many of us have come to love about our celebration at PCF, while the Conference will provide opportunities to take our love of the didj even deeper.  

    Yes, there are going to be two InDidjInUs events, back-to-back, in Oregon.  

    When InDidjInUs was created, it was envisioned to be an event that honored the didgeridoo and was intended to bring a deeper appreciation and understanding of this ancient instrument, through workshops and music.  

    Over time, the community has grown this intimate family reunion into a larger, high-energy celebration.  A version of this larger festival-type gathering will continue – with the familiar atmosphere of music, dancing, great food, vending, and great people.

    During this growth period, there were also members of the community seeking a change, the kind of connections we once felt in a more intimate setting with a more didgeridoo-centered event; something for the serious didgeridoo enthusiast to come and learn advanced techniques in smaller, more focused workshops with top talent.

    While not mutually exclusive, it’s difficult to pack both of these things into a single place on a single weekend.  This as a win/win solution for the community.  People can choose to go to either or BOTH events.  The Festival and the Conference will share many of the same musicians and they are located about two hours from each other.

    We are going to have a great summer, so stay tuned!  

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by admin.
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