2016: didj player needed

2024 — We’re Back!! Forums General Topics 2016: didj player needed

  • Creator
  • #1873

    Hi all, I am in need of a didjeridoo player for a gig so I thought this might be the place to look 🙂 My band is booked to play Seattle Hempfest on Sunday August 21st , we are a bellydance band and we need a didj to lay down the bass drone. I know the date conflicts with the festival but i’m hoping someone knows a player who maybe can’t make the festival or would like a chance to perform in front of thousands. We are based in Portland but are willing to talk with anyone in the NW who could make the gig. Contact me: Willow at 775-229-2960 by phone or text if you’re interested or know someone who may be.

    Peace and love



    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by admin.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by admin.
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  • Author
  • #1877
    Ben Gruver

    Too bad it’s not in the bay area – I might have taken you up on that 🙂 I’ve even played didge for bellydance before, hah 🙂

    Karen Bishop

    You may want to send out a message on the face book page, if you haven’t already

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