2016: Membership Packets

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    Venue info

    Organizational info (non-profit membership info)

    Fun stuff (posters etc.)

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    • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by admin.
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  • #436
    Stacy Sellers

    Will Thoren said he’d like to make posters for both events. He is looking for feedback on what they should look like. I will mention it at the meeting but I thought I’d throw it out here now to see if we can get our creative juices flowing before then. I was thinking of something standard paper size for the InDidjInUs Conference poster that can be added to the membership packets. I assume the festival might want a larger poster to advertise with?… Think about it. šŸ™‚


    Stacy Sellers

    We’ll talk membership packets at the meeting on the 14th but I figured I’d get this list going so we can start brainstorming now.

    Having digital copies of the membership packetsĀ for people to download seems like a great plan for efficiency and cost effectiveness.
    June 1st-15th ish seems like a good deadline to aim for the digital version of the membership packets.

    Will Thoren has offered to do a commemorative poster to add to the packets. We should think about what it should look like so he can get started on that.

    Form of entry-
    We should make sure to have a membership listĀ “at the door” to keep track of entries.
    We can do bracelets or something but Karen and I talked and thought it might be cool to do some sort of laminated card or something…

    TheĀ packet should include the following info/items that can be downloaded or collected upon arrival:
    *Form of entry/proof of purchase/commemorative doohickey
    *InDidjInUs Conference 2016Ā commemorative art poster

    *Information about the following that folks need to know before they arrive:
    -Venue Info: address, directions, environment, etc.
    -Camping logistics (We may need to address certain needs here. Have we ever had anyone in a wheelchair? Who will sleep in the bunkhouses, etc.?)
    -Vehicle parking/car camping
    -Showers/drinking water on sight
    -Bring your own dishes/vegetarian kitchen
    -Vending/cash sales

    Other things to think about… Do these topics need to be in the packet? Maybe separate links for those that only want some of it or all of it…
    -Volunteer needsĀ (?)
    -What is InDidjInUs/about us (?)
    -Scholarships (?)
    -Bilaws (?)


    I’m sure I am forgetting something here so please add to it as thoughts come to you. Thanks, everybody! You rock.



    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Stacy Sellers.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by admin.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by admin.
    Jeremiah Barkman

    I would like to add an emergency information sheet.


    Stacy Sellers

    What do you mean, Jeremiah?

    Jeremiah Barkman

    It could be a list of the closest emergency room, contact #’s and hours for close urgent care centers. Perhaps the names of people with medical training who we know will be at the event. Perhaps a note about where the first aid kit will be. The kitchen? Anyway, People should have access to this info before they ever step on to the site.

    Jeremiah Barkman

    Is there a map of PCF? I grabbed a map of Neal Creek. I will see what needs added. I would like to add info like first aid is in the kitchen.

    Karen Bishop

    Karen Bailey made one for last year’s Indidjinus brochures. I have several copies that were left over. I could scan it in to use again, if everyone liked it. At one point I thought Daniel and Carolyn might have made or were making one too? Does anyone know about that?

    Stacy Sellers

    I would just go with what Karen drew last year.


    If you scan it in a decent resolution, I can Photoshop out the text and we can add our own.

    Karen Bishop

    OK I’ll do that this week, and I plan to have the minutes out before Saturday

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