2017: solar eclipse campout Aug 14-21

2024 — We’re Back!! Forums Events 2017: solar eclipse campout Aug 14-21

  • Creator
  • #2789
    Chad Butler

    One week after In-Didj-In-Us, on August 21st, there will be a total solar eclipse. This is a very rare occurence. The eclipse will have a blackout path nearly 60 miles wide, my place happens to be directly in the center of this swath. Every campsite in Oregon within it’s swath were reserved within their first hour of scheduling availability, which is to say, it’s a big deal drawing tons of people to the area. I’ve decided to open up my property to as many of my friends as want to come, but, I’m limiting the parking to 30 cars to keep things manageable. If you wish to attend you should contact me via email:  chadbutler@bhumsiva.com

    I’ll be willing to receive guests directly after In-Didj-In-Us and you can camp here all the way through the eclipse. My place is just 1/2 mile from Neal Creek Resort. The creek is beautiful, swimmable, and transformative. The surrounding area is fantastic for cycling, so if you’re into cycling don’t forget to bring your bike. For services there will be outhouse bathrooms,  a simple outdoor kitchen, an outdoor shower, electricity. This is a low-key friendship gathering. It’s gonna be great!


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by admin.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Chad Butler.
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  • Author
  • #2813
    Jason Stoehr

    I might try to roll home after InDidjInUs…see my dog for a few days…then roll back down. This is a once inna lifetime event. Cheers, Chad!

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