2016: Vehicle Camping at NCR?

2024 — We’re Back!! Forums General Topics 2016: Vehicle Camping at NCR?

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  • #1011
    Robert K

    I’m planning to sleep and base my camp out of my vehicle (pick up) while on my trip. Will I be able to do this at Neal Creek? Pick up and a 10×10 pop up canopy…

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by admin.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by admin.
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  • Author
  • #1021
    Karen Bishop

    Hi Robert – I think we will know more about logistics after the meeting on the 21st. We’ll be sure to get this information out to you and all members as soon as we pull it all together πŸ™‚

    Robert K

    Thanks Karen πŸ™‚

    Either way it turns out, I’d just like to give a big thanks and congratulations to all the really fine folks who have worked so diligently this year on making it all happen once again!

    In many ways I wish I could have been of greater assistance, but all things being equal…they aren’t. My energy has to be focused elsewhere for a while…

    peace and respect, Robert K

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Robert K.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Robert K.
    Robert K

    I’ll plan on packing a small tent just in case πŸ™‚




    As you may recall, I’ve van camped all 15(16?) I’ve been going and I’m planning on tent camping this time. Β I’ll probably be traveling solo, so that makes that a little easier. Β The parking lot will likely be a parking area and you may not want to camp in your vehicle although it may work out, it’s kinda hard to tell without everyone there and set up.

    Robert K

    Thanks Michael. That’s what I was starting to feel. Hey, I’m adaptable πŸ™‚ No problem.


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