Bio Organic beats. Esoteric dance music. Ambient and energetic solo project combining percussion, ambient soundscapes, and the raw natural pulse of the didgeridoo. Drawing inspiration from technical advances of the pioneering didgeridoo soloists before him, and from his own roots and experience Zachary brings the culmination of years of harnessing and focusing this instrument in…
Event category: Workshop
William Thoren
Bio William Thoren is a musician, didgeridoo crafter and half of the hip hop/funk/didge duo Gorangutang. He is best known for inventing the Multidrone Didgeridoo and crafting this new breed of instrument under his name sake brand WET Didgeridoo. His solo performances mix his interval-tuned mulitdrone didgeridoos with music composed around their unique tuning. He…
Zachary Bainter 2017
Bio Organic beats. Esoteric dance music. Ambient and energetic solo project combining percussion, ambient soundscapes, and the raw natural pulse of the didgeridoo. Drawing inspiration from technical advances of the pioneering didgeridoo soloists before him, and from his own roots and experience Zachary brings the culmination of years of harnessing and focusing this instrument in…